Great American Seafood Crispy Alligator Tail
Today, people across the country and globe are expanding their culinary horizons. They’re looking for unique and interesting snacks and meals that both taste great and have an ideal nutritional profile. Try out this crispy alligator tail recipe and present your guest with an exciting, unique dish!
1/2 pound Great American Seafood alligator meat, tenderized cut into 1/2-inch cubes - SGC# 489003
Extra Seasoned Chicken Breading - SGC# 061401
Versa Cooking oil, for frying - SGC# 054474
Salt and freshly ground black pepper - SGC# 052100 & 191487
Serving suggestions: various dipping sauces such as remoulade, mustard, or cocktail
Heat fryer 350 degrees F. Coat the Great American Seafood alligator meat with the chicken breading.
Fry for 2 to 3 minutes, until gator floats in oil.
Remove and add salt and pepper to taste. Serve as an appetizer with remoulade sauce, mustard sauce, or cocktail sauce for dipping.